Sunday, 26 June 2011

Rainbow Dash Attack for iPhone! Made by Me!

Yep, I'm a brony. Yet another one on the internets.

Now, the appstore only has one MLP:FiM app last I checked. It was one of those ripoff "reference" apps that contained pages from the Friendship is Magic wiki and a couple of popular fanfics from Equestria Daily. C'mon, there are a bunch of apps that unlawfully use Pokemon and the like, why can't somepony make an even vaguely pony-related app?

So here I am out to help this sad situation. Now there already is an edit of the original flash Robort Unicorn Attack that puts Rainbow Dash in it, so I felt it shouldn't be too hard to edit the iPhone version. Thankfully, the images are stored as png/jpeg and the audio as mp3/wav. Some photoshopping and renaming later and now Robort Unicorn Attack is at least 20% cooler!

Now 20% cooler!
Screenshots here!

Download the ipa here!

Install it with Installous
Someone install it and test it for me, I haven't tried sharing my app edits before.

What's in it:
- Play as Rainbow Dash! "Sprites" taken from frames of the flash version. The jump/dash icons are the ones in the first pic
- Opening is the MLP theme, game music is the Europener mix from Super Ponybeat
- Title screen taken straight from the original Rainbow Dash Attack
- Lose screen is crying Rainbow Dash (screenshot from Sonic Rainboom, unicorn head in the game has a crying effect on it, align screenshot with eye of unicorn head)
- Third page of credits changed

Yep, all I did was rename some mp3 files and edit some png files. Had to resize the sprites and I prolly could've done better but it'll do for now.
What I'd like to add are custom sound effects, since they're in wav format. I'm sure I can grab some from a soundboard or somewhere.

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